
Paper straws as an alternative to plastic have taken the world by storm. Be seen by your guests as a leader in the fight to save the planet.

Making visible, environmentally-friendly changes is a great way to drum up positive feelings about your restaurant. Guests who take note of this will be excited about the change and spread the word to their friends and family. Making the switch is a great, cost-effective, and eco-friendly way to market your restaurant.

Greensmart Paper Co's biodegradable paper straws are a fantastic way to reduce your ecological footprint. The U.S. alone uses 500 million straws every day. Depending on how big your restaurant is, you may be responsible for thousands of those, each and every day.

Plastic straws will not decompose in our lifetime. They will begin breaking down into smaller pieces, which are then ingested by marine life. Humans will then consume these animals and ingest these plastic particles, which will be stored in their fat.

By making the swap to paper straws, you will significantly reduce our ecological footprint and improve the health of everyone on the planet by proxy.

Greensmart Paper Co carries several different options that will fit your branding. We currently carry black and white paper straws in various sizes, cardboard straws, black paper cocktail straws, and paper straws in red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, pink, and black & white stripes!